value. ​quality care. convenience.
get moving ... faster
Get the hands-on skilled care that you deserve.
All sessions with a Licensed Physical Therapist.
Sessions at your workplace or the Clinic.
Hands-on care tailored to your condition.
Over 3 decades of helping patients feel better!
All Physical Therapists are not the same.
Reasons for lack of improvement at some of these previous clinics include: different styles of treatment, miscommunications, improper intensity or focus of treatment, and impersonal, hands-off approaches.
Over the years P. T. First has achieved results for hundreds of patients who have not responded to treatment at other clinics.
If you go to a doctor who cannot help you with a stomach pain, for example, you do not say, “Medicine didn’t help me”; you will most likely try another doctor, perhaps a specialist. You don't give up!
To help you, our physical therapist will use different techniques, focus on a slightly different area, be a great listener, progress you at a different rate, and be more thorough with the evaluation/instructions (in exercise or joint/back protection).
For those that don’t want to “just live with it” or for whom surgery may not be advisable at this time, this is worth a try.
You will know quickly, in just a few visits, whether your results and treatment are improved over what you received at another clinic. We will evaluate you at each session for improvement/changes.
A discussion on the phone with our physical therapist could help determine if you are a candidate for this program. If you are not sure what we can offer, call and we can talk about it 414-453-6665.
Our Patients Say:
“After a car accident, I had 3 months of therapy at a pain clinic and 3 shots, all without any help. A different doctor sent me to P.T. First. In less than 2 months at P.T. First, with treatment focusing more on my hip than my back, I was back to doing everything without pain.”
- Amanda H.
“My doctor told me I definitely needed surgery and that therapy wouldn’t help. I was treated by John and returned to full duty at my job, lifting and delivering all sizes of LP gas tanks. It’s been years since that and I haven’t needed surgery.”
- Tom R.